December 22, 2012

2:11 AM

Today is more than positive. You are ever more able to cut to the chase and get right to the point. With logic and with heart. The results can be seen with the naked eye. There’s a wonderful balance between giving and receiving. Impulses that generate responses. Trust your instinct. Rating 7

You can sense something is off in your tone and in your eyes. For some of you, it may be a vague sense of melancholy. For others of you it may be gray cloud that snuffs things out before they even begin. Nothing that can’t be fixed. There are big exceptions for those born between May 17 and May 20 who are as radiant and sparkling as a firework. Rating 6.5

There may be some interference. Some of you may have a hard time getting in synch. There may be small difficulties coming from outside. Your thoughts may not always be lucid. Avoid playing Russian roulette today. Keep a steady pace. In love and in the most delicate matters. Rating 6.5

When you feel like you are under siege, the wisest thing would be to stay home. Don’t lash out at passersby who look your way and don’t attack people for things they’ve said or haven’t said. You don’t have to respond to provocation. Just try it today. Rating 6


Freewheeling. You are at home everywhere. From the snowy caps of Colorado to the gardens of Jaipur with a flower in your hair or a mango lassi on your lips. Light years away without even having to leave your bed. You can be two places at once and are a genius even with your eyes closed. Hats off to you. Rating 8

You are master of the art of enjoying the little things. You prefer to be a busy little bee than a butterfly that flits and flutters around. You are aware that flowers are necessary for bringing about wonderful things. Those of the first decan don’t forget it as they are dealing with all kinds of self-deprivation. Rating 6,5

You are less irritable and more malleable. You are often overzealous but this zeal doesn’t clash with the overall vision of things, which is decidedly softer starting this evening. Your mood is definitely improving and your skin is giving off a warmer glow. Those born between Sept. 28 and Sept. 30 are suddenly wanting sweetness. Rating 6

Saturn in your sign is like an elixir for long life. You gain in wisdom, though many of you don’t like to show it. You know how to remain detached. This is a precious quality and shouldn’t be underestimated. It could be useful in many areas, including the complex game of amorous strategies. Rating 7

A jewel of a day. Make the most of everything. You are sparkling in conversation, about love and other issues. You are quick at understanding and in making yourself understood. This is a great time to resolve delicate matters. Mercury gives you even more lucidity. And those of the first decan benefit as well, with an extra something at work. Rating 8

To be in perfect shape, you need to have a method and the patience of the painstaking. These are two qualities you don’t lack, though at times you are in a rush to get to the point. Those of the third decan are combat-hardened. The rest of you may be dragging a bit. Rating 6

You’ve got some winning pieces on the chess board. Nothing is stopping you from moving them at the same time to create new connections. You are unusually smooth in matters of love. You’ve got a variety of strategies going. You can treat yourself. You are easygoing. Don’t think too much. Rating 8

Light and dark. You know these are the two sides of the same coin. You don’t disdain either as long as you can go back and forth and don’t have to choose. Relationships can follow this roller coaster as well with intense winds blowing more than you expected. Rating 6.5


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